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candi wedding

Family Travel

Our family in Portugal

Mädchen am Strand - Erinnerungsfoto - aufgenommen von Carmen and Ingo Photography

“Traveling with those we love is home in motion.” Leigh Hunt

Such a true quote.

We had this feeling already when we were traveling the world with just the two of us but its but its even more meaningful since we are a little family. This summer we had next to Mallorca, Italy, Croatia and other beautiful countries, the chance to visit Portugal again.

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Travel Video Wedding

A month in New Zealand | Our Wedding Film

Yesterday we had a very nice little family and friends BBQ at one of the most beautiful spots in Carinthia. It is overwhelming how much love we received for our wedding in New Zealand over the last couple of month and eloping was simply the best idea we have ever head. But truth to be told, we missed our close people and thus we wanted to party with them as well.

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