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das hochzeitswerk

News Video Wedding

Mirjam & Patrick | Wedding Weekend Highlight Trailer

Hello and thank you for stopping by! It’s Wedding Time! “Hochzeit is” ;-)

As you might already know, since 2009 we are doing video next to photos for weddings on a regular basis. We call it Candi Fusion Video and we have a ton of fun doing it.

Just recently we have been invited to cover a two day wedding in Salzburg for Mirjam and Patrick. Not only are these two people super good looking but they know a lot about partying too.

The wedding guests coming from 14 different countries gathered in Salzburg for a stunning two days event in June with the evening reception being in Gwandhaus.

Check out the highlight trailer to get an idea of the weekend and to see how much love they have for each other and how much fun it was.


Thank you so much Mirjam and Patrick for your trust into our work and us.

You guys rock!

Cheers – Carmen and Ingo

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