Hi folks, Ingo here. Today I feel like sharing some personal stuff here on our blog regarding me and the past as well as the upcoming big change in my life.
I have no idea how many people really know how we run this photography business but I guess it’s not the majority. Carmen and I have build up our photography business by not doing it “full time”. Although we have spent almost every single free time we have not yet made a living out of photography only.
Carmen is in her final stages of studying and I have been busy with being an Engineer ever since I finished my studies in 2004. It’s fun and with no doubt this was key to get the business started, especially because buying gear is easier with a solid income than starting from scratch doing a creative job. Who would have guessed that? ;-)
Last year, before we started our trip around the world, I have had a very stressful time from about February to October. Means having a 42 hour workweek from Monday to Friday and the entire photography business on top made it a seven-day-work-week with approx more than 100 hours per week. No holiday of course and almost no days off.
By the time we left Munich for Vietnam, I was completely done! Powered only by the thoughts about this beautiful adventure we were starting back than. But I also knew that I can’t do another season like the one in 2010.
After our coming home in April this year I immediately went back to 42h workweek and it pretty much looked like I’m going to repeat the last season for 2011 again. So I, together with Carmen, decided to step back from 42h to 30h/week. That decision was one of the best ever. I had every Friday “off” and thus I could afford to get a little free time during the week. Looking back, I guess I rescued my self from that new fashioned thing what people call “Burn out”. It’s trending up and down in every media and you have sure heard that too.
As much fun as we have doing our job, it also is tiring a lot. If you have no chance to also rest and relax, it can destroy what you have built up and work for within a very short time. This being said, I really love these Fridays and I got a little feeling about how it would be to completely stop the main job and go for a full time photography thing.
Life is too short to not enjoy every moment and to not do what you really love to do!
To cut the story short(er) :) after long calculations, planning and discussing (mostly with myself) Carmen and I decided that we want push our photography business to the next level: Going Fulltime Pro in 2012!
It’s been a dream ever since I picked up a camera years ago, to make a living from something which started out as a hobby and passion. And it might be everyone’s dream to have a job that makes fun and you love doing it!
We are extremely exited and looking forward to all the things coming up in 2012 and later. It’s going to be a really great adventure for both of us and we hope so much that we can succeed in making a living from photography only!
There are big plans on our desks and also a bunch of stunning happenings for the near future. More about that in an upcoming blog post.
We would like to thank everybody for supporting us and our work during the past and hope you’ll stick with us.
I also want to deeply thank Carmen, the love of my life, for her support, her unconditional love and for being my best friend for more than 8,5 years now. Without you, your talent and your wonderful work, I would not be able to do all this and I wouldn’t be even close to live my/our dream! THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU so much!
Have a great day everyone!
10. November 2011 at 19:53Awesome news!! I don’t know how you managed to do all this! I work a 20h/week job next to running my (not so big) business and I find it hard to balance that.
It’s great that you have the opportunity to do what you love fulltime from now on! I am sure it feels like a relief and a risk at once :-) I wish you a great season 2012 and further on. May all your dreams come true!
10. November 2011 at 20:14wahhhhhhhhhh! Ich freu mich so sehr :)))) Of course you’ll be able to make a living of photography!! No doubt about that! You guys rock my world with your creativity and you inspire me to be a better photographer and person!
Ingo, I am so proud of you taking this step! You are right: Life is too short! And you guys will definetly succeed at what you love! Hugs :) from N.
10. November 2011 at 20:20Kann ich sehr gut nachvollziehen, Ingo! ;) Herzlichen Glückwunsch und wirst sehen, diese Entscheidung bringt dich/euch definitiv auf das nächste Level… *goforit*!
10. November 2011 at 20:33Well done guys, well chuffed for you:) Here is to you going from strength to strength.
Margot and Brian
10. November 2011 at 20:37Hey Ingo thats fantastic news! We are so happy for you both – its a stressful decision to make but one which we hope you will get much more happiness and fufilment from :) We are so excited to have both Carmen and yourself as our photographers for our wedding next year and were so lucky to find you (all the way from New Zealand!) when we did – we are constantly amazed at how quickly your profile is growing, especially in the last 6 months and your portfolio just gets stronger and stronger. Anyway we just picked up an awesome brownie to add to our vintage bits and bobs for the wedding (tho im not sure it will be as easy to get going as the underwood was!) so we cant wait to see what you come up with next :) Enjoy the winter break Margot en Brian xxoo
10. November 2011 at 20:43Ich kann ziemlich gut nachvollziehen was Du da geschrieben hast (bei uns ist es ja ziemlich ähnlich). Ich bewundere Dich für diesen Schritt, ziehe den Hut und bin gleichzeitig absolut davon überzeugt dass ihr das schafft. Respekt und viel Spaß im neuen Leben!
PomPom Fee
10. November 2011 at 20:49I enjoyed reading your post a lot. It touched my heart, because almost every single line I could have written as well. The only difference is, that at the moment I am in the same situation like you have been a year ago before you and Carmen started to your world trip.
Having a full-time-job, building up the PomPom Manufaktur, having a 5-year-old little girl… I am quite exhausted.
For now… I am not brave enough to leave old things behind and start over again with a creative job only. But I hope that I can find a way to become clearer during our 6-weeks-trip to Asia starting in December. Another analogy.
Thank you so much for such a personal blogpost. Deine Geschichte macht Mut!!!!
Tanja Ganzer
10. November 2011 at 20:55Herzlichen Glückwunsch nicht nur zu der Entscheidung sondern auch zu allem was ihr zwei bisher auf die Beinegestellt habt!
That is going to be the best decision of your life!
I did the same at the beginning of october, and I know a bit what you’re going through.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
I’m looking forward to see and hear even more from you guys!
Caroline Lima
10. November 2011 at 20:57I’m sure you guys are going to do amazing!!!!!!!! Good luck on this new journey! :-)
Your work is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!
10. November 2011 at 21:35Go, go, go!!!!
Ursula Unger
10. November 2011 at 21:36… da wünsche ich ganz herzlich alles Gute! Ich denke, Ihnen wird das Glück hold sein, denn bei Ihnen scheint sich Talent und Leidenschaft beinah wie von selbst zu vereinen zu wunderbaren Bildern, die anzuschauen immer wieder Spaß macht.
Also: Ich drück ganz fest die Daumen und werde weiterhin viel Zeit damit verbringen, Hochzeitsbilder von völlig fremden Leuten anzuschauen – bekloppt eigentlich – und immer wieder schön zu finden, was sie ausstrahlen.
Viel Glück! :-)
10. November 2011 at 21:37Woooohooo, ich freu mich wahnsinnig für euch.
Auf solche News hab ich ja schon gewartet, nach unserem Gespräch damals vor über einem Jahr! :-)
Ihr zwoa packt’s des, da bin i ma sicher!!!!
lg Mona
PS: Was für eine schöne Liebeserklärung an Carmen!
10. November 2011 at 22:18… gute Entscheidung…
Da bin ich schon ein wenig neidisch!
nastassja harvey
10. November 2011 at 22:58this is the best news! :) good luck you guys, i know you will be an incredible success, as you already are! :)
Andreas Petker
11. November 2011 at 1:40Das ist eine Herzens Entscheidung die Ihr/Du nie bereuen wirst, da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher!
Nadine Meier
11. November 2011 at 9:26Viel Erfolg Ingo und Carmen! Eure Fotos sind super, Ihr schafft das bestimmt!
Lg Nadine
11. November 2011 at 9:51Wooooooohoooooooo!!! Best decision ever!!!!!!!!
Eure Arbeit ist amazing, eure Bilder, eure Inspiration, euer Sinn für Menschen&Schönes ist amazing!
IHR seid amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing und ich bin wirklich stolz euch kennengelernt zu haben.
Ihr seid ein sensationelles Paar mit sensationellem Können.
Ingo, du hast völlig Recht, das Leben ist “tooooooo short” um nicht das zu machen was einem Spaß und Freude macht.
Also genießt es, geht EUREN gemeinsamen Weg und bleibt auf Kurs.
Ich wünsche euch beiden von ganzem Herzen nur das BESTE für euer Vorhaben.
Es soll alles so eintreten wie ihr euch das vorstellt.
Alles Liebe
11. November 2011 at 10:21Wow! Well done Ingo! Looking forward to what lies ahead if you could achieve what you already have until now. You guys are an inspiration and we wish you all the success with whatever you do. Looking forward to hanging out again soon ;)
Carmen and Ingo
11. November 2011 at 11:44oh boy! thank you all so much for your nice and supporting words! it just got to work then :-)
we really appreciate the support we get from everyone and from the community. we love ya! thanks!
11. November 2011 at 12:33Glückwunsch zu dieser Entscheidung und alles erdenklich Gute!! Du wirst es sicher NICHT bereuen!!!!
11. November 2011 at 12:59Wie gut es tut endlich zu so einer Entscheidung gefunden zu haben, oder? Und was für ein Luxus sie treffen zu können! Ich freu mich mit für Dich und kann es absolut nachempfinden!
11. November 2011 at 14:35Good luck and all the best for both of you for the exciting new year! You guys have earned it and you are amazing!! I have no doubt that this will work out great for you!!
Willi U.
11. November 2011 at 15:13Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem Schritt und von Herzen das Allerbeste!
11. November 2011 at 16:32Hallo Ingo!! Ich freue mich sehr für dich bzw. euch! What a great step. I am still dreaming about that, too afraid to try. I feel the same as you, having two jobs is not an easy task.
Wish you aaaaalll the best for 2012 and the future!!!
Johannes Fenn
11. November 2011 at 17:39Good luck for you guys
12. November 2011 at 10:06Glückwunsch zu dieser Entscheidung! Ich drücke euch die Daumen, dass alles klappt,
wie ihr es euch vorstellt und freue mich, euch auf eurem blog begleiten zu dürfen.
LG Juliane
Shama - The Brownie
12. November 2011 at 19:32Awesome news! Go for it Ingo!
It’s a blessing and a rare opportunity :)
Happy for you. God bless.
13. November 2011 at 9:44Congratulations on making such an exciting leap!! I know you won’t regret this decision for a second and I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work in 2012!!
Off the Wedding Topic | Bad Boys gathering for a Friend | Carmen and Ingo Photography Blog
13. November 2011 at 16:48[…] there, Ingo here again. First of all I would like to thank everyone who read and respond to my last (personal) posting. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you can read that story right here. I was […]
Jennifer Hejna
14. November 2011 at 13:03Wow this is awesome news. I wish you both all luck and success for the future ! I am sure you are going to rock your business and never need to look back !
14. November 2011 at 13:20Ingo… this may very well be the best decision ever! Happy for you!
Carmen and Ingo
15. November 2011 at 14:57thank you all so much! it means the world to us/me for knowing that people stand behind us and wishing us all the best! thanks again and we will keep you posted for sure :-)
love, c and i
Mathias (von Verena)
16. November 2011 at 12:03Eine mutige Entscheidung. TOP! Da kann man euch nur gratulieren und das Beste für einen erfolgreichen Start wünschen. Aber bei den Talenten mach ich mir da keine Sorgen (die Lobeshymnen auf die Bilder unserer Hochzeit reißen immer noch nicht ab). Eure Bilder sind einfach fantastisch und inspirierend. All the best und bleibt kreativ!
Catherine Mac
1. December 2011 at 10:38Woo hoo GO INGO! You guys are going to ROCK it together!
1. December 2011 at 11:41YES!!! I’m sure it was the right desicion!
And I am 100% sure that you will make not only a living out of it but also a good, soon a very good living out of it!
26. June 2015 at 19:57Respekt vor dieser Entscheidung! Viel Glück :)
Carmen and Ingo
27. June 2015 at 10:22danke dir. das ist zwar nun doch ein paar jahre her :-) aber es gibt keine sekunde wo ich die entscheidung bereue!