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bohemian wedding


Daniela and Michael | Wedding in Portugal

Strandhochzeit mit SonnenuntergangHochzeit am Strand bei Sonnenuntergang- Aufgenommen von Carmen and Ingo Photography

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but a lot of times the end result is better than you could’ve ever imagined.

First contact – July ’16; Wedding – Summer ’18

A lot of time passed and some burdens and a wonderful baby later we finally met Daniela and Michael in Portugal for a very special and magical wedding.

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Victoria and Falk

>>> You are my sun, my moon and all of my stars <<<

We had the pleasure to accompany Victoria and Falk at their classical – bohemian wedding at “Schwäbische Alb” – which happened to be the perfect romantic backdrop. We were there to witness the two days and it was absolutely magical.

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