Für ein kurzes 15 Sek Video haben wir uns ins Candi Aufnahmestudio gesetzt.
Schnell sollte es gehen, sind ja auch nur wenige Zeilen Text. Tja, so kann man sich irren.
Wir sind super dankbar, dass sich das Video auf diversen Kanälen so viele Leute anschauen und wir mit den Outtakes die Zeit aktuell etwas auflockern können.
Viel Spaß beim reinschauen!
Carmen und Ingo
PS: Den Candi Guide bekommst du unter www.candi.guide – wenn noch welche verfügbar sind.
This is a flash back of 12 Month and tons of memories with family, friends and clients.
We are already excited for the year 2020.
Hello and thank you for stopping by! It’s Wedding Time! “Hochzeit is” ;-)
As you might already know, since 2009 we are doing video next to photos for weddings on a regular basis. We call it Candi Fusion Video and we have a ton of fun doing it.
Just recently we have been invited to cover a two day wedding in Salzburg for Mirjam and Patrick. Not only are these two people super good looking but they know a lot about partying too.
The wedding guests coming from 14 different countries gathered in Salzburg for a stunning two days event in June with the evening reception being in Gwandhaus.
Check out the highlight trailer to get an idea of the weekend and to see how much love they have for each other and how much fun it was.
Thank you so much Mirjam and Patrick for your trust into our work and us.
You guys rock!
Cheers – Carmen and Ingo
Hello lovely people!
Our summer wedding season is over and we have some beautiful weddings and amazing couples sitting on our hard drives and waiting for you. But first we would like to get you into winter mood since we got early snow couple of weeks back and love it really very much. Luckily we moved to this beautiful surrounding here in Carinthia (Kärnten) and sure we went up the mountain as the first snow flakes hit the ground.
Quirina and Marcus are such wonderful people living nearby and we are happy to get to know them. They are a couple since 8 years already and it was a pleasure for us to capture their love between each other. Not to mention that they are crazy good looking and very tough too (it was freezing cold up there!)
Thank you guys for your trust and for the super fun shoot with you on our favorite Mountain.
Carmen and Ingo
Hello and THANK you for stopping by again!
For those of you who follow our journey over different social media channels have noticed that we have been in Sardinia for a quick get-away.
Needless to say that it has been AMAZING and we for sure know that we will be back someday again.
Other fact, we don’t travel anywhere without a camera and without shooting beautiful people. This is one of two shoots we did in Sardinia. Say “HI” to our this wonderful people in LOVE.
The light and location was just phenomenal and we were super honored to have been able to capture the love of Paola and Alessandro.
Carmen and Ingo
„Hallo und herzlich willkommen“… mit diesen Worten begrüßen wir die Zuhörer unseres neuen „Radio“ Projektes. Anfang Mai 2016 haben wir den ersten Hochzeitspodcast gestartet und es sind bereits viele Folgen online.
Wir beide haben seit unseren Anfängen über 230 Hochzeiten fotografiert. Alles Ganztagesreportagen, was bedeutet, dass wir vom Herrichten (Getting Ready) bis spät in die Nacht/Morgenstunden mit dabei sind bei Hochzeiten und jede Phase dieses Tages erleben, dokumentieren und unzählige Eindrücke jeder Hochzeit mitnehmen. Zusätzlich sind wir selbst verheiratet und waren also bereits in der Rolle von Braut und Bräutigam. ;)
Hi and thank you for stopping by at our blog.
Last year we have been traveling like crazy from April to November and of course we had our cameras on the road too.
Besides mobile phones we also carry the “big ones” every once in a while to capture us as a family and casing the beautiful light in other countries.
Hello everyone!
Hoping y’all are having a great midweek so far. Today we would like to point you to our “new” YouTube channel and invite you to come along and spend some time there.
Well YouTube isn’t new to us of course but the account we had since 2007 was not more than a video host platform for some of our preset videos and the like.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
We hope you all have had a great weekend and enjoyed some snow or at least some Christmas markets to get the right mood for this time of the year.
Personally we aren’t there yet, which, for Austrians, has always something to do with the lack of snow. We both need snow to get the Christmas feelings before it’s Christmas.
Yesterday, 6th December 2014, we were lucky to do the international Help Portrait day again. If you are not familiar with this and want to know more, check out the official project website Help Portrait.
We get a lot of questions about where our inspiration comes from and our answer is the same since a couple of years. For us, inspiration is not coming from work or creativity of someone, it’s coming from inside. From the heart of a person or from generous things this person does.
Yesterday we reached 15000 likes on Facebook. It’s a big number but it doesn’t really count. What matters is the quality of followers. The people behind this number who are really seeing our work and even commenting or liking one or the other photo/video. This is valid for all social media and sure our blog.
It is every single one of YOU, among another things, that keep us going and keep us doing what we love the most.
It is time for a big THANK YOU for all of you out there for your continuous support, love, inspiration and motivation. YOU who message, email, comment, like and even call us to let us know you are seeing our work and passion. We do not take these things for granted and it does not matter if its 10 “likes” or 300 for a photo. Every “like” and comment is unique and means a person appreciates your work.