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Interview mit Braut Jessica und Bräutigam Kevin | Tiroler Classic Hochzeit

German Only

Winterhochzeiten sind etwas ganz besonderes und so haben sich Jessica und Kevin im verschneiten Tirol das Ja-Wort gegeben. Internationale Hochzeit auf heimischen Boden. Authentisch und Klassisch sollte es werden. Im heutigen Interview lassen wir die Brautleute zu Wort kommen.

Danke euch beiden für die Hammer Zeit und alles Liebe für eure gemeinsame Zukunft. Hoffentlich bis bald mal wieder!


Carmen und Ingo

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International Wedding in Tyrol | Jessica and Kevin

Early last year when we got the inquiry of J&K in our inbox saying that a Tyrolean girl wants to get married to a Californian guy (both living in New York) we knew: We definitely have to be part of this winter wedding dream. And humbled and luckily, we were there in January to capture this amazing day deep in the Alps.

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Personal Changes | Hello 2017

Hello and a happy new year friends! How are you doing?

Hope you are well and had a great start into the new year. If you follow us on social media and paid attention you probably know already that there will be big personal changes for us in 2017. We are moving very soon.

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Couple Boudoir | Stepping out of the Box

Hello everyone!

First of all big thank you for the lovely words about our last personal posting. Very much appreciated. In case you missed it it’s HERE.

During wintertime we always try to keep us creative, next to all the business stuff and projects going on. That’s why we do sometimes shoots just for our creative souls and us.

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Two Grooms are better than One | Vienna Same-Sex Wedding

About four years ago Andreas contacted us showing interest into an one2one Mentoring session since he wanted to get deeper into photography.  He heard about us because his sister has hired us to photograph her wedding and he was her best man.

Shortly after that we had our very first wedding photography workshop in Munich where Andreas attended and become one of the first Candi Community Members.

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Lisa and Flo | Love Conquers Rain

Hello everyone!

Yes, it’s us! We are back from a little break here on the blog. Well to be honest with you, life is a little crazy at the moment.

Being so much on the road, with tons of work and beautiful weddings to cover and still having a family life isn’t easy at all. We have traveled 5 countries this year already together with our little baby Malia and our wonderful PA Marina. She is more than just a BFF to Malia and they are having a fun time together. Wouldn’t be possible without her help!

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