Different couples want different ceremonies. Some people prefer small, private weddings to celebrate their love exclusively with family and dearest friends. We totally get this.
Nadine and Fabian – a power couple full of light, love and happiness.
As we are so lucky to live only one and a half hours away from the sea and the fact that we spare no efforts when it comes to scouting beautiful shooting locations – we packed up all our stuff, jumped in the car and drove towards the sun to meet Nadine and Fabian in Lignano / Italy. To two extraordinary people and an incredible amount of happiness.
Sorry people, we have been super lazy! Well not in general but here on the blog.
We did a lot of different stuff this year already and you can follow some of it over at our Youtube Channel or you step right into the scene on Snapchat (HERE).
Over the last weeks we did our Roadtrip 2016 and had an amazing time meeting so many wonderful people. Also there will be TWO new Video Trainings coming this month. More about that later for sure but you can find the trailers right HERE and HERE. Be sure you sign up the newsletter to get FREE insights to this videos.
We left wonderful New Zealand short after our wedding day for a honeymoon to Hawaii. Btw, thank you all so much for the lovely feedback on our blog post about New Zealand. In case you have not seen it check it out right here.
Actually we wanted to do more shoots like this but truth to be told, our minds and bodies needed the vacation in South Africa desperately. With all the traveling and seeing a bit of this amazing country (in case you would like to see some photos, it’s right HERE) there was not much more time than for one shoot. We love to step out of the wedding box now and then, as we did already once in India 2012 (see photos HERE)
It’s been quite here on our blog recently. Believe it or not, that’s a good sign actually. It means we are having time for each other instead of continuously working.
We don’t write “this end-of-year-reviews blog posts” instead we reflect for ourselves, what great time we had and how spoiled we are to live our dream and to do what we love. Here is to thank all of you who support our work: Family, friends and of course clients. The best on the planet actually!
As mentioned in the previous post about the after wedding shoot in Thailand (in case you missed it here is the wonderful couple we photographed at the beach) we have had some “rest and relax” in the sun last month.
To sum this up with one word: AMAZING!
If you follow our blog you might have noticed, that if we are on our travels we always try to dive into the culture and are out in the field for great stories and portraits. That’s travelling. We totally distinguish between a vacation and travelling. Why? Because it simply is a total different approach for us. You might guess where we are heading with this. We have had a REAL vacation this time. One thing was on the 2-do-list: Don’t move too much ;-)
Today a super relaxed and don’t-move-only-recharge-batteries kind of vacation ends and we are on our way back to Munich. More about the fantastic time here in Thailand is coming in a separate posting. We need to show this shoot with the lovely Natalie and Hayden first.
The Australian/New Zealand couple living in Sydney has gotten our attention last week as the staff in our resort has mentioned a wedding party at the other end of the beach. We both were pretty excited to see the venue getting ready and how the stationary and reception is looking like. Frankly speaking, we were very surprised about the beautiful style the team has created here. (We learned later, that the bride has planed this very well in advanced and things she wanted were even shipped from the states ;-)
We are blown away by the huge response we got from the wedding pictures of Angelika and Artur. Almost 3500 page views hit the blog at the first day. Thank you all for your likes and comments here and on Facebook. This means so much for us! Thank you!
Not even twenty-four hours after the fantastic wedding of Angelika and Artur we met these guys again for another portrait session. Still psyched and kinda “high” from this stunning event and the wonderful light in that area we headed out to the coast do shoot at the beach.
We did it. We had our time off on the little island we where dreaming of since we plant our TATW. This was we have been working for seven days a week almost the whole past year. Just chilling, relaxing and enjoying ourselves.
We left Vinh Long by bus to via Rach Gia and one day later we crossed over to Phu Quoc by boat. Even Carmen was afraid of the water trip (due to the last one during the thunder storm) we had a pleasant ride with the very comfortable “Super Dong III”.
Phu Quoc is a little island in the Chinese Sea which has a lot of origin Villages as well as growing tourism. People say it’s like Koh Samui 25h years ago. You find a lot of very quite and peaceful places without any touristic touches. On the other hand, there are a lot of new Restaurants offering western food along the main beach close to capital Duong Dong.
What we did?