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Rainy shoot at Lago di Fusine

Hello lovely People,

Two weeks ago Catha and Eugen came down to Carinthia the whole way from Bielefeld. That’s a loooong trip with a one year old Baby, but for sure we had an amazing time together. We went to Lago di Fusine, a little lake between the mountains in Italy (20 min from our home) because both of them like water and mountains…so this was a perfect secret spot.

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Good bye 2013 | Claudia and Ricky | Cape Town

It’s been quite here on our blog recently. Believe it or not, that’s a good sign actually. It means we are having time for each other instead of continuously working.

We don’t write “this end-of-year-reviews blog posts” instead we reflect for ourselves, what great time we had and how spoiled we are to live our dream and to do what we love. Here is to thank all of you who support our work: Family, friends and of course clients. The best on the planet actually!

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