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Candi Workshop

Candi Wedding Workshop | Botanica Theme in Verona

It’s exactly two years ago that we have held the last live workshop. Since we have been teaching the same concept a couple of times we offered the workshop for digital purchase over the last months. We didn’t realize that a lot of people were interested into the live shoot and being part of a physical, group workshop.

So we thought about doing a one-time revival this autumn to gather those who are interested into „Learn How We Do It 2.0“ an updated version for 2015. To our surprise, the workshop was sold out within 24h and we added a second date (a week later), which was gone very quickly as well. We were speechless (rare moments) and very honored!

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News Wedding

Big Thank You and Future Prospects 2015 | Personal

Yesterday we reached 15000 likes on Facebook. It’s a big number but it doesn’t really count. What matters is the quality of followers. The people behind this number who are really seeing our work and even commenting or liking one or the other photo/video. This is valid for all social media and sure our blog.

It is every single one of YOU, among another things, that keep us going and keep us doing what we love the most.

It is time for a big THANK YOU for all of you out there for your continuous support, love, inspiration and motivation. YOU who message, email, comment, like and even call us to let us know you are seeing our work and passion. We do not take these things for granted and it does not matter if its 10 “likes” or 300 for a photo. Every “like” and comment is unique and means a person appreciates your work.

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Travel Video Wedding

A month in New Zealand | Our Wedding Film

Yesterday we had a very nice little family and friends BBQ at one of the most beautiful spots in Carinthia. It is overwhelming how much love we received for our wedding in New Zealand over the last couple of month and eloping was simply the best idea we have ever head. But truth to be told, we missed our close people and thus we wanted to party with them as well.

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A new Adventure has begun | Personal

When we both first met back in 2003 we knew this is something special with us. The circumstances were everything but no basis for a long time relationship. But we both felt, this was different. We started dating, we moved in together, we started a company and we quit our day jobs for the passion of our lives.

After eleven years, we thought it was something serious so we got married on a wonderful day in February this year. During our honeymoon in Hawaii we brought a long time idea to live and started a new, probably the most exciting and challenging, adventure in life.

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A country to fall in love with | New Zealand

About three years ago, we have done a trip around the world and totally fell in love with this wonderful country. (Postings from the past, here and here) New Zealand reminds us a little bit of Austria with the difference that a deep blue ocean is attached to the endless of beauty in the nature.

We were very sure that we will be back one day and once we started planning our recent trip around the world, we knew we want at least another month of traveling in one of these cool camper vans.

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Historical Moments in South Africa

Hello everyone!

We hope you made it safe and sound to the great 2014 and took it with full swing. For those of you following us on Facebook or Instagram (maybe twitter) have seen that we left for South Africa the end of November to enjoy a little rest and relaxing after our most intense year ever. 2013 has been incredible and we would like to thank all of you for being with us and supporting our work. Family, friends and clients: THANK YOU!!

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Good bye 2013 | Claudia and Ricky | Cape Town

It’s been quite here on our blog recently. Believe it or not, that’s a good sign actually. It means we are having time for each other instead of continuously working.

We don’t write “this end-of-year-reviews blog posts” instead we reflect for ourselves, what great time we had and how spoiled we are to live our dream and to do what we love. Here is to thank all of you who support our work: Family, friends and of course clients. The best on the planet actually!

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News Wedding

After Wedding Shoot | Natalie and Hayden | Thailand

Today a super relaxed and don’t-move-only-recharge-batteries kind of vacation ends and we are on our way back to Munich. More about the fantastic time here in Thailand is coming in a separate posting. We need to show this shoot with the lovely Natalie and Hayden first.

The Australian/New Zealand couple living in Sydney has gotten our attention last week as the staff in our resort has mentioned a wedding party at the other end of the beach. We both were pretty excited to see the venue getting ready and how the stationary and reception is looking like. Frankly speaking, we were very surprised about the beautiful style the team has created here. (We learned later, that the bride has planed this very well in advanced and things she wanted were even shipped from the states ;-)

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After Wedding Shoot in Tuscany | Angelika and Artur

We are blown away by the huge response we got from the wedding pictures of Angelika and Artur. Almost 3500 page views hit the blog at the first day. Thank you all for your likes and comments here and on Facebook. This means so much for us! Thank you!

Not even twenty-four hours after the fantastic wedding of Angelika and Artur we met these guys again for another portrait session. Still psyched and kinda “high” from this stunning event and the wonderful light in that area we headed out to the coast do shoot at the beach.

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Candi Fusion News Wedding

Angelika and Artur | Dream Wedding in Tuscany

We are super excited about this wedding. Not only because it’s another fellow photographers wedding but also because it was a destination wedding in Italy. When Angelika and Artur first contacted us with the option that the wedding might be in Tuscany, we knew already that this will be outstanding. Both of them are very talented photographers them self with a well running business in Pforzheim. Earlier this year we had the honor to do an engagement session here in the Munich area. In case you missed this, here is the post about it.

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