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News Wedding

After Wedding Shoot | Natalie and Hayden | Thailand

Today a super relaxed and don’t-move-only-recharge-batteries kind of vacation ends and we are on our way back to Munich. More about the fantastic time here in Thailand is coming in a separate posting. We need to show this shoot with the lovely Natalie and Hayden first.

The Australian/New Zealand couple living in Sydney has gotten our attention last week as the staff in our resort has mentioned a wedding party at the other end of the beach. We both were pretty excited to see the venue getting ready and how the stationary and reception is looking like. Frankly speaking, we were very surprised about the beautiful style the team has created here. (We learned later, that the bride has planed this very well in advanced and things she wanted were even shipped from the states ;-)

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Our annual photo shoot | In front of the lense | and more

We have had itchy feed the last couple of weeks in order to see what was coming out of our annual photo shoot we did in Tuscany. As many of you know we are getting photographed every year to see the flip side of the lens and have the feeling our clients have. We always wanted to get pictures from one of our dearest (photographer) friends: Nadia Meli! We love and admire her work and are totally thrilled that we all together could make this shoot happen during our stay in Italy.

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After Wedding Shoot in Tuscany | Angelika and Artur

We are blown away by the huge response we got from the wedding pictures of Angelika and Artur. Almost 3500 page views hit the blog at the first day. Thank you all for your likes and comments here and on Facebook. This means so much for us! Thank you!

Not even twenty-four hours after the fantastic wedding of Angelika and Artur we met these guys again for another portrait session. Still psyched and kinda “high” from this stunning event and the wonderful light in that area we headed out to the coast do shoot at the beach.

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Candi Fusion News Wedding

Angelika and Artur | Dream Wedding in Tuscany

We are super excited about this wedding. Not only because it’s another fellow photographers wedding but also because it was a destination wedding in Italy. When Angelika and Artur first contacted us with the option that the wedding might be in Tuscany, we knew already that this will be outstanding. Both of them are very talented photographers them self with a well running business in Pforzheim. Earlier this year we had the honor to do an engagement session here in the Munich area. In case you missed this, here is the post about it.

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News Travel

India, you are always in our Hearts

We are in the middle of high peak wedding season right now. Lotsa work around and also kinda stressful for both of us. Times like that make us thing back to our travels and realize (remember) how grateful we should be for our lives. All plays well right now here in our world. We are half time through of our first year of full time biz owners and still very happy with the decision.

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News Wedding

Best Friends Marriage | Yvonne and Ilja

It’s been a couple of year’s back that we had a wedding of a really close friends with even an additional part besides photographing. We were extremely exited to hear from the engagement of our friends Yvonne and Ilja last year and as you can imagine we have forced them to get a date for the wedding asap, if they want as to be there too. So they came up with the long weekend in the end of Mai, which was last weekend.

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Candi Workshop News

Candi Wedding Workshop | Munich

We did it! After doing fusion workshops, portrait photography and editing workshops during the last years we decided to go for a business specific wedding workshop and unveil all we know about this industry and how we work. We put it under the umbrella “learn how we do it”. We almost could not believe the fact, that it was sold out within 15h after opening the registration form. We had no idea that so many people are interested into how we run our business and what we have to talk about. We were blown away by the trust and interest into the workshops and we certainly wanted to be an unforgettable experience for all attendees. Here is to first of all, thank all our attendees for being part of this workshop!

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News Travel

Happy Holi | Great Hospitality in India

First of all we would like to thank you all so much for the overwhelming response to Kismets and Nitins wedding. It’s been a page view record for us again and we loved all your comments here and on Facebook and Twitter. We are speechless! Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts!

Chances are that we are repeating ourselves here but we are in love with this country. Ever since we visited it first, back in 2005, there is a special chemistry between us and India. The people, the nature, the smells, the traffic just everything is so different from back home or any other places we have seen so far.

When we got hired for the wedding we did not waste a second to clear out the calendar for at least a month in order to spend some time here.
Well you might say, haven’t you just been on a 6 month vacation? Then let us tell you, that our trip around the world was not just a super long vacation and second, it’s almost a year that we came back from that trip.

So we decided before our busy summer is starting in April, we would like to recharge batteries and combine once again what we do love the most: photography and traveling.

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Travel Wedding

Kismet and Nitin | Love and Colors | India

We have been looking forward to this wedding for a very long time now. An Indian wedding has always been on our wish list, and then, wedding in India could only top it! We told you the story behind the “acquisition” phase some time ago and we still cannot believe how things always come together. So here are pictures and the story of our first Indian wedding in India. Please, don’t be mad on us but putting 4 days into one blog posting is kinda difficult. So be aware to see lotsa pictures and many words. Here we go!

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Back in Beautiful India | The Streets of Delhi

We know you guys are badly waiting for the Indian wedding to hit the blog and we promise it’s on the way. But meanwhile here our first impressions of this wonderful country.

After spending about 36 hours in Munich we left for Delhi on 27th Feb for a month in India. India, and Delhi especially, is one of the rare places we have been visiting more than once on one of our trips. It’s almost exactly three years that we were here last and a lot changed since than. But then again, nothing is different from 2009. We arrived 3am and headed to a nice hotel near the central train station. We just wanted to hit the pillow before doing anything else. Needed a lot of patience right outside the airport though. The (triple confirmed) driver was not here. Triple confirmed hotel wasn’t booked. But this is just how things work here and if you are in a rush,you better go back home.

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Grande Finale | Crossing to Florida | USA Part II

Hi folks!

We are totally psyched about the huge response on all our TATW postings and especially about the recent part one from USA west coast. Maybe it’s because a lot of people have seen that part of the world already long before we did. However, we thank everyone so much for stopping by and sure thanks for all the lovely words on Facebook as well as here in the comment section.

As said, we needed to split it up and here we continue on the road to San Francisco.

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